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Our Community Email Listserve Discussion Forum

Our email listserve forum offers some of the most incredible value from our members.

The Email Listserve provides the core connection for a key set of high value activities:

  • Ask almost any question – here’s where you can get almost immediate insights from our members’ wisdom and extensive experience on client situations, difficult proposals, employee or contractor conundrums, and more.
  • Get referrals – our members have been in practice a long time with plenty of experience and contacts. You can request referrals for business operations help, marketing resources, insurance sources, and more.
  • Seek a partner for an opportunity you have that requires expertise you don’t have.
  • Request recommendations for sensitive personal situations – our off-topic list (non-business) enables you to get information about doctors, lawyers, or anything our members may have experienced that can help you learn faster.
Dana Sanderson

The ad hoc support and response to help outreach I receive is why I value my membership as much as I do. It’s the only forum I know of that I can always count on to provide a helping hand when I need it most.

Dana Sanderson, Sanderson Studios, Inc

The Women In Consulting Email Listserve is an active discussion forum.

This table shows typical requests sent to and received from Women In Consulting members in a two-week period.

Topic Type Total Number
Positions and opportunities Full-time, contractor and consulting
engagements at a variety of large organizations
Professional and service requests
and recommendations
Lawyers, photographers, designers,
accounting, and more
Best practices, productivity advice,
help with technical issues
Video, social media, overseas work,
Women In Consulting information Meetings, workshops, announcements 10

Guidelines for the Community Email Listserve are available for members inside your account or here.

Gabriela Martinez

Women In Consulting is an essential part of my business environment. It’s an invaluable resource for referrals, brainstorming, and information.

Gabriela Martinez, Texto